Many farmers are familiar with laying hen cages, but they need to pay attention to many small details in the process of using laying hen cages for brooding. After all, details determine success or failure. Shandong Qinle Animal Husbandry Machinery, as a professional, has rich practical experience in brooding chickens. Today, I will explain some details that need to be paid attention to when brooding chickens in layer cages.
The use of laying hen cages to raise brooding chickens should pay attention to cold protection and heat preservation, with a temperature of about 18 degrees Celsius.
1. If the temperature in the chicken coop is too low, you can cover it with plastic sheeting, and leave part of it as a vent;
2. Set up shifts around the chicken coop as a measure to prevent cold wind;
3. Prevent infrared heat preservation lamps in chicken coops or chicken coops;
4. Generally, a three-layer chicken cage can raise 18 to 24 laying hens per square meter.
Laying hens are related to future economic benefits. The survival rate of laying hens in the brooding stage is also a data that farmers pay great attention to. To improve the success rate of brooding, we should start from small details.